Tag Archives: computerized lunch program for school

Riverside Elementary School – Register for Star Food – Chicken!

Welcome back! We look forward to serving everyone again this school year. Remember, if you are not registered at Wordware, the lunch cashier system, go to https://family.wordwareinc.com and click the orange ‘Quick and Easy Registration’ link on the right side.

Email erdjea@sdmfschools.org or call (262) 250-6462 to request the family key you will need in step
2. You can then monitor your family lunch balance, see daily student purchases, set your own low balance email notification level and make an online payment using FeeZee, plus more! If you have any questions regarding the school lunch program, please don’t hesitate to call (262) 250-6461 or (262) 250-6462.

We are here to help in any way we can! Did you know? We are serving a higher quality chicken this year. We have premium chicken tenders, Asian orange chicken and chicken drumsticks that are all products using whole muscle chicken. Try them for lunch when they are on the menu. You won’t be disappointed! This month’s Star Food is… Chicken!

Fun Chicken Facts:
Male chickens are called “roosters” and the females are called “hens.” Baby chickens are called “chicks.”
A healthy chicken lays about 265 eggs each year.
Chickens lay white, brown, blue or green eggs.

Ashwaubenon School District – Manage your Meal Account (Wordware Nutrition Software)

Welcome to the Ashwaubenon School District where we have a long-standing history of high academic achievement and student opportunities . We provide a comprehensive PK-12 educational program with instruction at all levels to meet the needs of all students regardless of their differences in abilities, interests, and learning styles. Our extensive co-curricular program enables our students to become well-rounded individuals.

Ashwaubenon is unique in the region for our world language program in which German and Spanish are offered to students from Grade 1 to Grade 12, and for being one of the first school districts to implement a community service graduation requirement.

As a district we are committed to:
providing the highest quality programs, services, and staff,
maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment,
serving as proactive agents of change,
being responsible stewards of district resources,
engaging our community in the educational process, and
monitoring and evaluating results for continuous improvement.

Payment Options & Account Balances

We are pleased to offer parents several meal payment options:

  • Elementary children can turn payment envelopes in to their teachers or main office.
  • Secondary students can turn envelopes in to the cashiers.
  • Phone in credit card to the Business Office at 920.492.2905, Ext. 1006.
  • Automatically withdrawn electronically from checking account or credit card.
  • Manage your Meal Account (Wordware)  or  Pay Online (e-Funds).

You are in full control of your account. By providing your home and/or work email address, an email notification informing you of the student’s name, purpose of the payment, and amount will be sent to you each time that a payment is to be processed.


If you would like an itemized statement of your account, or if you would like to know your account balance, call 920.492.2905, Ext. 1006 or view your account online. Do not wait for the phone notification system to contact you, but rather, deposit monthly amounts into your family’s account.

  • Account drops to $10 – a payment envelope will be sent home.
  • Account drops to $0 – your children will be restricted to reimbursable meal choices only.
  • Account balance drops to a negative $15 – the family account will be deactivated. K-8 students will be offered a sandwich and milk, at no expense. High school students will have to borrow from a friend or pay cash.

Go to: www.wordwareinc.com

  • Enter Username and Password
  • A statement of your account will appear.

If you wish to participate but have not received your Family Key Number, call 920.492.2905 Ext. 1006.


E~funds For Schools allows families several payment options. Meal payments can be automatically electronically withdrawn from your checking  account or charged to your credit card. You have the flexibility to pay at anytime through the school’s website. No payments will be allowed without your knowledge and authorization through this secure payment system.

The Cornell School District Launches Wordware’s New Nutrition Software LCS1000 Mayflower

The Cornell School District incorporated The Lunch Cashier System software by Wordware, Inc. for keeping track of the lunch program. The Cornell School District is excited to launch phase one of the new nutrition software.  The nutrition department has updated their systems to LCS1000 Mayflower by Wordware Inc.

LCS1000 Mayflower is a comprehensive, integrated food service management solution for K-12 School Districts. It provides all of the tools required to run a smooth and efficient food service operation. LCS1000 Mayflower is a suite of easy-to-use, highly-integrated software modules.

It may take a few weeks for everything to get up and running smoothly so we ask that students and parents are patient during this transition process. We are confident the new software will benefit the department and satisfy our customer needs and expectations.

What’s New?

The point of sale system has been implemented and features touch screen point of sale monitors that can display the students’ picture as the lunch card is scanned. This will allow for accurate identification of the customer.

The biggest change will be in how parents pay for lunches. Currently when parents deposit lunch money they then have to select where they want those credits to go between breakfast, lunch, or cash. At times this system has caused confusion for parents and they have accidently deposited money to the wrong option. With the new system, all money will be deposited into one account .

Wordware is continually developing their nutrition software to meet and exceed the needs and demands of our customers across multiple settings. Based on our customer needs and technology environments, we have created a fully web based program that will run on any HTML5 device and can be deployed as a fully cloud based solution or on an appliance. What does that mean to you? You can deploy our software any way you choose without a major investment in your infrastructure.

Wordware dedicated for providing best nutrition software to the schools for the health of students and to make worry free their parents.

When parents log into Lunch Cashier System they will deposit their student’s money into one account. This cash account will fund all lunch, breakfast or a la carte purchases. Parent username and passwords for Lunch Cashier System will not change.

Our Solutions

Family Based- Money deposited goes into a family account. This eliminates multiple entries and allows schools focus on the household.
Automated letter generation and reporting … built in timeline to streamline workflow … plus processing direct certification saves hours if not days of work. Particularly if there are multiple students in the same household (another benefit of a family based solution).

Wordware’s unique onscreen marking system keeps the student status anonymous to any onlooker while allowing the cafeteria staff to process the proper meal selection.

Because Wordware is web based and server based our networked LCS1000 keeps lines running fast regardless of internet speeds. Plus if the internet is down any data captured on the LCS1000 syncs to the cloud back up as soon as the connection is re-established. No data is lost.

Wordware provides robust reporting capabilities with on demand access to all the critical information staff and administration needs. Cash reporting … balances … student and family activity … meal detail etc. Just to name a few.


The Osseo Middle School and Osseo High School will be starting an after school snack program

The Osseo Middle School and Osseo High School will be starting an after school snack program. Every child who is attending an educational or enrichment activity, in an organized, structured, and supervised environment after the end of the school day during the school year is eligible for a free snack. A snack will be two of the four food components: milk, grain,fruit/veg, meat or meat alternate.
Lunch Account Information Osseo-Fair child uses a computerized program for breakfast, lunch and milk. To briefly review how the program works; each family will have a family account from which money is deducted each time a member of that family eats. If you have students in both the elementary and middle/senior high level, they will all be drawing off the same family account. This eliminates sending lunch money with each child. Parents can send money, or preferably a check, with one student for the entire family. A minimum deposit of $20 PER STUDENT is requested. If you would like to pay more, you can do so.
When a student eats or has milk, his/her lunch ID number is entered at the lunch line computer and the price of the purchase is deducted from their family account. Costs associated with the food service program are listed with the Student/Adult Fees in the Outlook. Please encourage your children to start their day off by participating in our breakfast program. Children who eat a nutritional breakfast tend to perform better at school. Breakfast is served before school each day. Cards for students in grades K-5 will be held by the students’ teachers until lunch time. Students in grades 6-12 will be responsible for their own cards. When a family’s balance reaches $20 or less, you will receive an e-mail notification that your balance is running low. If you do not have an e-mail address, a letter will be sent home with your child notifying you of your low balance. The letter will also inform the parents how many times each child has eaten and had milk. You can also obtain lunch account information by following the breakfast/lunch link on our school district website. You will need your family ID to retrieve this information. You can contact Carla at 715-597-3141 ext. 1413 with assistance on logging into your account.
We ask that you pay your first deposit before the start of school. You can pay in the High School Office from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to
4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or send your deposit to: Osseo-Fairchild Schools, c/o Carla Sieg, 50851 East St., Osseo, WI 54758. Payments can also be made online through the Wordware website www.wordwareinc.com . Many families used the online payment option last year and seemed to like the convenience of it.
If you were not approved for free meals through direct certification, you should apply for free or reduced meals by returning the application which
was sent to you at the beginning of August. Applications may also be picked up at each school office. If you received a letter from us that indicated that you were approved for free meals due to Direct Certification with the State, you do not need to complete an application to receive free meals. In order to have as many applications approved before the start of school, please return your applicat555ion as soon as possible. If you were approved for free or reduced last year because of an application, you will need to complete a new application by October 13th to continue receiving benefits. If your form is not turned in by this date, you will be required to pay full price until you turn in your form and it is approved. Anyone who would like to send in payment (check or money order) or the free/reduced lunch form, please send them to the following address:
Osseo-Fairchild School District
Attention: Carla Sieg
50851 East St.

Osseo, WI 54758

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carla in the High School Office. Her phone number is 715-597-3141 ext. 1413.
Please try to deposit money and turn in applications prior to the start of school. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Just A Bite
Handling A “Choosy” Eater “Choosy” eating is a child-size step toward growing up and showing independence. In fact, what seems like a challenge to you may be an early step towards making food choices. A child’s “NO” does not always mean no. What seems “choosy” may just be your child’s awkward first steps in learning to make decisions.
What appears to be choosy eating may instead be a smaller appetite.
The best advice for you is to relax and be patient
10 Effective Ways to Handle a “Choosy” Eater
1. Treat food jags casually.
2. Consider what a child eats over several days.
3. Trust your child’s appetite
4. Set reasonable time limits for the start and end of a meal
5. Stay positive
6. Serve food plain, and respect the “no foods touching” rule
7. Avoid being a short-order cook
8. Substitute a similar food
9. Provide just two or three choices
10. Focus on your child’s positive eating behaviors

St. Louis School uses Wordware Cafeteria Software to process all cafeteria operations

Welcome to the St. Louis School Cafeteria!

Hot lunches are served daily in our cafeteria.  All students are expected to eat lunch.  Lunch orders are taken each morning during homeroom.  A cafeteria lunch will be provided to any student without a lunch.  Milk break and lunch charges are paid to the cafeteria.  All cafeteria charges are available online through Wordware Cafeteria Software. Our monthly lunch menu is available online as well.

Please click on the link below to view the current month lunch menu:

www.stlouiswaco.org/pdfs/Lunch Menu/lunch.pdf

Please click below to log into your online lunch account:



St. Louis School Lunch Software Information:

St. Louis School uses Wordware Cafeteria Software to process all cafeteria operations. One feature of this software is to automatically send emails to families with low balances, replacing the time and expense of producing paper statements for families with access to email service. Contacting families concerning their lunch account will be handled electronically, without involving additional personnel or expense, while keeping you better informed. Families will be able to view their account balances anytime using the online access feature.

Daily Web-Email Software:

  • Printed statements will be replaced with emails, for families that have supplied the school with an email address.
  • Emails will be processed and sent out around 6:00p.m. each evening.
  • You can reply to an email statement directly atsmeier@stlouiswaco.org
  • Families must know their family account ID number and PIN to access online family account information. If you have misplaced this information please email smeier@stlouiswaco.org and your account information will be emailed to you.

To access online family account information:

At the beginning of the school year, students will bring home a letter explaining our procedures. Your family account number and PIN will be included in this letter.

  • From the St. Louis website, please click on the Lunch Menu button, On the Lunch Menu page, click on the Wordware link to access you online lunch account.
  • You will be redirected to a secure website, please select our state “TX”, St. Louis School should appear. Enter you family ID number and PIN.
  • You can view your balance information, along with a 2 week detail lunch history.

If you have any problems or questions, you can call the school at 754-2041 or email:

smeier@stlouiswaco.org  or mdvorsky@stlouiswaco.org

NOTE: If you change your email with the office, please send an email to smeier@stlouiswaco.org  to notify the cafeteria about your email change as well.

RenWeb and Wordware are separate applications and have to be updated independently. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you.




Students who are eligible for free meals are not allowed to charge.

Students eligible for reduced meals are allowed to charge up to $5.00 for reimbursable meals before receiving an alternate meal.

Paying students are allowed to charge up to $25.00 (PK3 – 8) for reimbursable meals before receiving an alternate meal.

The charge amounts are determined by the cost for 10 days of lunches.

No extras, such as main entrée or vegetable are allowed to be charged at any time by any student, unless they have money in their account.


No student will go hungry during the school day at St. Louis Catholic School.  An alternate meal will be provided for a maximum of two (2) weeks, and then administration would determine if circumstances require intervention.  The meal may consist of a peanut butter sandwich, fruit and milk.

The student will be discreetly offered this alternate meal by the cafeteria manager.  The student will be charged the regular lunch price.  No extras will be available to any student on the alternate meal plan.


Milk breaks will not be offered to students unless they are prepaid for the month.

St. Louis Catholic School 2208 N. 23rd Street, Waco, TX 76708 Ph. 254-754-2041 Fax 254-754-2091

School District of Menomonee Falls School Nutrition Department School Lunch Software

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The lunch and breakfast prices for the 2015 – 2016 school year are as follows:

Lunch Prices Breakfast Prices

Grades K – 5 Hot Lunch $2.10 Grades K – 5 Cold Breakfast $1.35

Grades 6 – 12 Hot Lunch $2.45 Grades 6 – 12 Cold Breakfast $1.40

Grades 9 – 12 Specialty Meal $2.75 Grades 9 – 12 Hot Breakfast $1.60 Reduced $0.40 Reduced $0.00

Adult Lunch $3.50 Adult Breakfast $2.25

Milk $0.40 Milk $0.40

Meeting the Healthy Guidelines

Every day at every school we offer a Garden Bar with fresh fruit and fresh vegetables to all hot lunch students! At North and MFHS daily salads are available with a variety of toppings on each lunch line. There is also a separate salad bar lunch line at the high school. We follow the National School Lunch Program regulations. We have all grains at 51% whole wheat. Weekly saturated fat is less than 10% of the total calories and zero trans-fat (this excludes naturally occurring fats). We offer a variety of milks including 1% white and fat free white, chocolate and strawberry. We also serve dark green, red/orange vegetables and beans weekly.

Family ID and Student Lunch Numbers

Your family ID number will remain the same year after year. Student and staff lunch ID numbers will also remain the same year after year.

SEE WHAT YOUR KIDS ARE EATING! Access your Family Lunch Account Online

Go to your school’s website. On the left hand side of the page, click “Meal Menus/Online Payments”. This is the link to the School Nutrition’s web page. Scroll down to click “Family Lunch Account Information”. The first time you log in, you will need your Family Key to register with Wordware, the Lunch Cashier System. Call 262-250-6462 to request your Family Key. Once you have registered with Wordware, you will then use your email address and a password you create to log in. We will never know your password, so write it down! This site shows your balance, deposits, detailed statement of what your child/ren are eating and lets you set your own low balance email notification level. You can also find the lunch and breakfast menus and nutritional information on the School Nutrition’s web page.




Lunch Payments- Please DO NOT include lunch money with any other school fees or dues!

Parents can still make on-line lunch account payments. Directions are found on your school’s website under “Meal Menus/Online Payments” then “General Meal Information and Forms”. There is a $2.75 convenience fee for online payments. Parents can also pay by check. Checks should be made payable to Menomonee Falls School Nutrition. Payments can also be mailed to the attention of the School Nutrition Department, Menomonee Falls High School, W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. Please do not send cash payments. Sending cash can cause problems. If the cash gets lost, it is very difficult to track down. Payments can be sent to school with your student as well. Your student can give the payment to the school secretary in the front office. He/she can also give it to a school nutrition employee in the cafeteria. Only at the High School do we accept cash for purchases for both hot lunch and ala-carte items. We do not accept cash in the hot lunch lines at any of the other schools. If a student brings cash, we have to take time out to put it in an envelope and then mark the student’s name, family ID and the amount on it for a payment. This slows down the lunch lines! Always remember to put your Family ID number on the check! If the family

name is different than the student’s name, please also write the student’s full name on the check. We would again recommend depositing $25.00 or more per student at a time. Our office requires a minimum of two business days to record payments.

Low or Negative balances.

We send out automated E-mail notifications. We start notifying the family when the account hits $5.00. Depending on the number of students in your account and if your student purchases ala-carte, it is possible your lunch account could go from a positive balance to a negative balance in one day. If we have your e-mail address in your account, you will get an automated e-mail, when your account is low. If you want a higher low balance level than $5.00, change your setting at Wordware under “Family Account” then “Change Settings – Notifications”. If you are not getting e-mails, contact us in the School Nutrition Department and we will try to help you. It is the responsibility of the family to keep their lunch account in the positive.

School Board Policy 761

According to board policy, if your family lunch account falls to a negative $2.00, the school nutrition personnel may give your student an alternative lunch. This lunch will consist of one serving of fruit, vegetables and a milk. You will not be charged for the alternative lunch for the first two days. On the third day, and thereafter, you will be charged $1.00 for each alternative lunch.

Free and Reduced Lunches

Families who are having financial difficulties are encouraged to apply for the Free/Reduced Meal Program offered throughout our district. These benefits are completely confidential. Only one Free/Reduced form per family is needed. Send it to the School Nutrition Department at the High School where it will be processed. Forms are found online on our School Nutrition web page under “General Meal Information and Forms” or at your school, if needed. Free and reduced families will be charged $.40 for milk, if your student brings a cold lunch, or you can supply your own drink. Free and reduced students must take a complete hot lunch to receive the free or reduced benefit or ala carte pricing will be charged at your expense. If your family receives public assistance, you may already be directly certified for free lunch through the state. We will mail your notification to you, if you qualify for the Direct Certification and then no paper application will be needed from your family.

Ala Carte items are available at ALL schools

The most common elementary school ala carte items are the extra entrée and the juice box. North Middle School and the High School have many more ala-carte choices available with options like healthy snacks. If your account has a negative balance, ala-carte purchases will not be permitted to be charged to your account. If your student is not blocked from ala carte purchases, your account will be charged, if these items are taken. Fill out the “Extras and Ala Carte Restriction Form” to prevent these purchases found on our School Nutrition web page under “General Meal Information and Forms”.

Thank you for your support of the school lunch program. As always, we continue to strive to improve our program so that we can serve you more efficiently and effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about the program please call us. If at any time you would like a detailed statement of your family account feel free to call 262-250-6461 or 262-250-6462.


Ruth Ann Kiley-Wiedmeyer

Food Service Director

School District of Menomonee Falls

School Nutrition Department

District Schools Highly Satisfied With Lunch Cashier System Cafeteria Software’s performance and customer support – School Food Service Directors

The Wordware mission with Lunch Cashier system for School District ‘s is to actively contribute to the health of children, district staff, lunch cafeteria staff, students and other eligible customers by preparing, marketing and food service cafeteria software application.. Nutritious meals will be offered at a free and reduced price for eligible students while maintaining a financially accountable program.

Wordware Lunch Cashier system assists with your staff and parents to the new lunchroom software and is always here to help with any questions that may come up encounter while the process or after implementation Schools quickly learned how helpful our team is from the beginning and they are pleased with the technical support being provided by wordware’s experienced and dedicated technical staff. Wordware Support Team set up the software for the schools and provide training to your school staff up to the level they needed to learn the ins and outs of our school cafeteria software. From the launch of the new software, School Food Service Directors, was happy that Wordware Lunch Cashier system would be an excellent fit for the children in their school.

“The implementation team and trainers did a great job getting us set up and ready for the first day of school,” say many of our valuable customers. Furthermore, their Staff have not encountered any problems, but they called for general questions. Customer care representative attends the phones calls promptly and guide them with confidence in using the lunchroom management software than before. They all are extremely satisfied that with the of wordware customer support team.

“There are many reasons why using Wordware for our lunch software has made my job easier. The remote support and ticket system have been a life saver on many occasions. The Direct Certification is simplified and the Free and Reduced timeline has kept me on track. The upgrade to the LCS1000 Mayflower has everything I need on the family dashboard for quick and easy reference. There are letter templates that can be customized by you and the numerous reporting options available are a tremendous help in documenting the daily and monthly transaction activities.” – Jean Erd, School District of Menomonee Falls

The Lunch Cashier System by Wordware, Inc. is a complete, affordable, user-friendly meal accounting system for schools, including back-office and point-of-sale management software. Lunch Cashier System is one of the Top Food Service Management Software. They provide comprehensive solutions to both school administration and food service staff. Computerized Lunch Program for school cafeterias, State and Federal reporting. Parents only need to send lunch money to one family account for all family members participating in the lunch program.



District Schools Highly Satisfied With Lunch Cashier System Cafeteria Software’s performance and customer support – School Food Service Directors

Wordware mission with Lunch Cashier system for School District ‘s  is to actively contribute to the health of children, district staff, lunch cafeteria staff, students and other eligible customers by preparing, marketing and food service cafeteria software application.. Nutritious meals will be offered at a free and reduced price for eligible students while maintaining a financially accountable program.

Wordware Lunch Cashier system assists with your staff and parents to the new lunchroom software and is always here to help with any questions that may come up encounter while the process or after implementation Schools quickly learned how helpful our team is from the beginning and they are pleased with the technical support being provided by wordware’s experienced and dedicated technical staff. Wordware Support Team set up the software for the schools and provide training to your school staff up to the level they needed to learn the ins and outs of our school cafeteria software. From the launch of the new software, School Food Service Directors, was happy  that Wordware Lunch Cashier system would be an excellent fit for the children in their school.

“The implementation team and trainers did a great job getting us set up and ready for the first day of school,” say many of our valuable customers. Furthermore, their Staff have not encountered any problems, but they called for general questions. Customer care representative attends the phones calls promptly and guide them with confidence in using the lunchroom management software than before. They all are extremely satisfied that with the of wordware customer support team.

“There are many reasons why using Wordware for our lunch software has made my job easier. The remote support and ticket system have been a life saver on many occasions. The Direct Certification is simplified and the Free and Reduced timeline has kept me on track. The upgrade to the LCS1000 Mayflower has everything I need on the family dashboard for quick and easy reference. There are letter templates that can be customized by you and the numerous reporting options available are a tremendous help in documenting the daily and monthly transaction activities.” – Jean Erd, School District of Menomonee Falls

The Lunch Cashier System by Wordware, Inc. is a complete, affordable, user-friendly meal accounting system for schools, including back-office and point-of-sale management software. Lunch Cashier System is one of the Top Food Service Management Software. They provide comprehensive solutions to both school administration and food service staff. Computerized Lunch Program for school cafeterias, State and Federal reporting. Parents only need to send lunch money to one family account for all family members participating in the lunch program.