School nutritional program to provide best Nutrient for the child – Wordware Inc.

Need to start thinking out of the box for your school lunch program? Some days it is hard to find where ‘out of the box’ is. Try viewing this You Tube video for starters, “School Lunch in Japan – It’s Not Just About Eating!” ( It is a totally different experience to that of our USA approach to school lunch so it’s worth a trip out of the box!

The students eat in their classrooms with their teachers, for a 45 minute lunch period that same as a class. We first notice students bringing their personal items in their lunch bags, including a toothbrush, cup for brushing teeth, a napkin, chopsticks, and placemat. The school has a ‘farm’ for veggies and everything is made from scratch, five kitchen staff for 570 students. Everyone wears head and face masks around food from kitchen staff to the students. It appears that everyone has a mask, hat, and coat in their desks to don during the pre-eating activities.

Each class sends students to pick up the lunches for the day, which are individually dispersed in the classrooms. They even keep track of leftovers through a report from the students and they find out where all the food is from, local farms, sixth graders in the school farm, so forth. The recycling is amazing. All the milk cartons are broken down and flattened, then washed and set aside for drying. Everyone brushes their teeth at the end of the meal. Even the last 20 minutes before returning to class they sweep, scrub floors and do maintenance cleaning.

Out of the box thinking does not mean one system is better than other. These ideas can be the catalyst to solve a problem confronting us today. And it is just interesting to see how others handle lunch!

School nutritional program  to provide best Nutrient for the child

School nutritional programs to provide best nutritious meals to the child growth. Increasing participation ensures students never go without nutritious meals while wordware also guaranteeing your School nutritional programs success. Across the country we work with schools to help them achieve excellence with their school nutrition. We Power School Nutrition Departments. Our Nutrient Analysis component is easier than manual systems or other software programs. You’ll find it’s also:

  • Wordware LCS1000 is approved for nutrient analyses required in the school meal programs
  • Child Nutrition Database
  • Food-based analysis
  • Includes the nutrient standards from the Final Rule
  • Accessible from central office or school site
  • Ability to build and add local ingredients




Hormel Foundation Gifted & Talented Education Symposium June 13-16, 2016 Austin, MN

Pre-Conference: June 12, 2016
Administrator Day: June 13, 2016

The annual Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Education Symposium provides an opportunity for educators, counselors, administrators and parents to gain greater understanding of the unique needs of gifted and high potential learners.

Participants attend in-depth sessions focusing on foundational knowledge, creativity, curriculum strategies, and social/emotional needs of gifted and high potential learners provided by the field’s finest regionally, nationally and internationally recognized presenters. All are welcome to register and attend the symposium.

Registration closes June 1, 2016!

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2016 StateScoop 50 Awards

MN.IT Services is up for State IT Program of the Year based on their work on Minnesota’s Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System (ECLDS). The award recognizes influential state and local IT programs that have delivered cost savings, superior performance results and partnerships between agencies. Voting for the winners in each award category are open now through April 15. Visit the StateScoop site and show your support with your vote!


Voting is now open for the 2016 StateScoop50 Awards! Cast your vote today to recognize and celebrate the top 50 leaders in state and local IT.

The StateScoop 50 Awards annually honor the best and the brightest who make state and local government more efficient and effective. These awards allow us to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our peers and acknowledge their tireless efforts to make a positive impact in the government IT community and in public service.
Important Deadlines

Nominations: Tuesday, February 2 – Friday, March 4

Voting: Monday, March 14 – Friday, April 15

Winners Announced: Wednesday, May 4

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Eat Right, Move More Program – State of New Jersey

The Eat Right, Move More Program, a partnership between the New York Jets football team, the Department of Agriculture and the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council’s Fuel Up to Play 60 campaign, encourages New Jersey school children to take advantage of healthy foods in their school cafeterias and become more active.  Part of this program is a contest for schools who are excelling in their nutrition programs.  This contest is open to all schools participating in the National School Lunch Program.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2015-16 program.  Those getting their applications in by November 15 have a chance at a special grand prize.  Click here for more information and to apply online.

Featuring navigation graphic

Jersey Fresh Farm to School Jersey Seafood Jersey Grown Jersey Equine Farmland Preservation Jersey Ag Education Animal Health Diagnotics Lab NJ Animal Emergency NJFarms

School Nutrition Programs – The School Nutrition Programs (SNP) Unit administers United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs and Grants in the State of Michigan

The School Nutrition Programs (SNP) Unit administers United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs and Grants in the State of Michigan. School Nutrition Programs staff monitor regulatory compliance and provide training and technical assistance for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, After School Snack Program, Special Milk Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Summer Food Service Program, Summer Camp Special Milk Program, and Team Nutrition.

School Nutrition Programs Contact List

SNP Analyst Territories and Contact Information

School Lunch, Breakfast, AfterSchool Snack Meals Served/Payments Fact Sheet 

Food and Nutrition Program Administration – School Nutrition Programs

Food and Nutrition Service helps local schools and districts work to decrease salt and fat, increase fiber and use low fat dairy products, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables in students’ meals. Find more resources, guidelines and information about these programs on our website sections about Health and Wellness, School Nutrition Programs (especially Meal Patterns and Menu Planning) and the Food Distribution Program (see the whole grain pilot program information under Partners). The White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity provided a number of recommendations on healthy food in schools. Read the report on the Let’s Move website.

Community Eligibility Provision
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a new provision that makes it easier for high-need schools to serve free meals to all students.

In order to participate, local education authorities and/or schools must meet a minimum level of identified students for free meals, agree to serve free lunches and breakfasts to all students; and agree to cover with non-federal funds any costs of providing free meals to all students above amounts provided in federal assistance. To read more, choose the Community Eligibility Provision page at left.

Smart Snacks in School
The Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards support better health for our kids and echo the good work already taking place in schools across the country. The new standards preserve flexibility for time-honored traditions like fundraisers and bake sales, and provide ample transition time for schools. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is committed to working closely with students, parents, school stakeholders and the food and beverage industries to implement the new guidelines, and make the healthy choice the easy choice for America’s young people. View more information on Smart Snacks in School.

Farm to School is a nationwide collaborative effort to connect school districts with local farmers for the purpose of serving healthy school meals while utilizing local fresh foods. Farm to School aims to meet the diverse needs of school nutrition programs in an efficient manner, to support regional and local farmers and thereby strengthen local food systems and to provide support for health and nutrition education. View more information and resources on Farm to School.

The After School Care Program is one of the School Nutrition Programs the USDA is targeting for growth. If you provide an after school care program which meets regularly, is organized and supervised and has an educational or enrichment component, you may be eligible to claim reimbursement for snacks through this program. Contact us to apply for this program.

Read the nondiscrimination statement.

Program Regulations
Current program regulations, in the federal Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), are available on the U.S. Government Printing Office website:

National School Lunch Program (7 CFR 210)
School Breakfast Program (7 CFR 220)
Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced-Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools (7 CFR 245)

State Statutes
State statutes related to School Nutrition Programs.
School Breakfast and Lunch: Minnesota Statutes, sections 124D.111 – 124D.1195
Minnesota Statutes, section 471.345: Uniform Municipal Contracting Law
Minnesota  Statutes, section 123B.52: Contracts 

North Middle School Computerized accounting system for food service account

Students and families welcome to North Middle School!
We have a computerized accounting system that allows families to deposit money into a family food service account. Only one account is used for all family members. This is a debit system, which means that funds must be deposited before withdrawing money to cover the cost of breakfast or lunch. All students will be issued a four (4-digit number that they will enter into the lunchroom computer. This number stays with the student from year to year. Payments for breakfast or lunch are automatically deducted from the family account. Every one must have an account, even if a student is only buying milk for cold lunch. All students must either bring a bag lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch. Canned beverages are not allowed in the cafeteria. Soda and energy drinks in any type of container are not allowed. Food Service payments can be made at each school, online (there is a convenience fee of $2.75 to use this service) or mailed to the School Nutrition office at MFHS (W142 N8101 Merrimac Dr., Menomonee Falls). Place your check in an envelope with your child’s name, the parent’s name and family account number on it. If making a payment online, please access North ’sweb page. On the left, click on “meal menu/online payments” and then select “Family Lunch Account Information.”This connects you to “Wordware,” the
Lunch Cashier System or you may go directly to You will need to register if it is the first time you are accessing your lunch account online. You will need a family key in Step 2 of the registration. You may call 252-250-6462, if you need assistance E-mail notifications will be sent to the custodial parent ,
or anyone with a registered email online, when your balance reaches $5.00 or lower. You may call 262-255-6441 or 262-250-6462 to check on
the status of your account. Morning breakfast will be served from 7:00-7:10 a.m. with an assortment of breakfast items.The cost is $
1.40 for a breakfast. The cost of the daily hot lunch program is $2.45 and milk is $.40.
(262) 255-8450 FAX (262) 255-8475

Arlington Public Schools NE 68002 – Lunch Program

Arlington Public School Lunch Program Links
Meal Prices



Extra Milk/Juice:$  .50
Bottled Water:$1.25

a la carte pricing varies.

Cafeteria Staff

Julie French, Cafeteria Supervisor

Mary Hunter
Sandy Johnson
Val Layman
Lori Opfer
Jodi Thompson
Karen Toebben

Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu
Wordware Online Family Account Access Login
Instructions for enrolling in
eFunds Online Bill Payment
eFunds Online Bill Payment Login
Free and Reduced Lunch Information (English) Free and Reduced Lunch Information (Spanish)
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

Arlington Public Schools 705 N. 9th StreetArlington, NE  68002
Superintendent’s OfficePH: 402-478-4173Fax: 402-478-4176
High School Office – PH: 402-478-4171Elementary Office – PH:402-478-4121

Family Lunch Balances Online Parents will now have online access – Arnold Public Schools Arnold, NE

Family Lunch Balances Online Parents will now have online access to the balance of  the family lunch and breakfast accounts! This new feature of
Wordware just came out this year. The first day of school, the oldest or the only student in the family will be given a letter explaining about the new lunch program. This feature will eventually be included in  your PowerSchool Access. Please be looking for this letter to come home on the first day of school.
Arnold Public Schools
405 N. Haskell
P.O. Box 399
Arnold, NE 69120

A nutritious hot lunch is provided each day by Caravan Kids Catering – Annunciation Church and School, Minneapolis

Lunch Program

A nutritious hot lunch is provided each day by Caravan Kids Catering. Current prices for lunch are $3.30 (K–8). Milk is an additional 40 cents. Free or reduced price lunch may be available according to family income. Eligibility follows federal guidelines and is determined through the financial aid process.

Pizza days for the 2014-15 school year will be Sept. 26, Oct 24, Dec 19, Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27 and Apr 24. Download the Pizza Day form.

View this Month’s Lunch Menu

Make a Payment:  E Fund for School Electronic Payment System

View Lunch Account: Wordware, Inc.

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