Category Archives: Software for School Cafeteria

Software for Community School District, Register for New School Lunch Software, School Food Service Department, School lunch Software, Software for School Cafeteria, School District – Manage your Meal Account, Wordware Nutrition Software

2015-2016 school year Free and Reduced Forms

To limit A la Carte purchases fill out and return this form to your school 2015-16 No A la Carte

Students from families whose income is below designated levels and foster children are eligible for free meals or meals at a reduced rate. The Lunch Cashier System allows the Lawrence Public Schools’ food service department to manage the application process and establish student accounts accordingly in compliance with federal regulations.

To determine if a family qualifies, the family must complete an application. One application per family is necessary and may be completed any time during the year. If a family participated in this program in the past, a new application must be completed each year.
Parents/guardians are responsible for ALL CHARGES until the application has been APPROVED by the food services office.
Children eligible for free or reduced-price Child Nutrition Program meal benefits may also qualify for optional benefits.
The application may be downloaded from our Web site at the top of this page.
Applications will be available at the office of each school at enrollment time or by contacting the food services office at 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044-1063 or by phoning 832-5000.The application information is kept confidential.
Free and Reduced FAQs
1. Do I need to complete an application for each child?
No. Complete one application for all students in your household. We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to complete all required information. Return the completed application to: Food Services Office, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044.
2. Who may receive free meals?
Your child may receive free meals if your household income is within the free limits on the Federal Income Guidelines. Also, free meals are available to most foster children and to children in households receiving benefits from Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance to Families (TAF), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).
3. Can homeless, runaway and migrant children receive free meals?
If you have not been informed that your child will receive free meals, please call Ron May, Lawrence Public Schools’ homeless liaison, at 832-5000.
4. I received a letter saying my children are approved for free meals for this school year. Should I fill out an application?
Please carefully read the letter you received and follow the instructions. Call the school at the number listed above if you have questions.
5. Who may receive reduced-price meals?
Your child may receive low-cost meals if your household income is within the reduced-price limits on the Federal Income Chart on the reverse side of the approval letter.
6. I receive WIC (Women, Infants and Children) benefits. May my child get free meals?
Children in households participating in WIC may be eligible for reduced price or free meals. Please complete an application.
7. Will the information I give be checked?
Yes, we may ask you to send written proof of the information you provide on your application.
8. If I don’t qualify now, may I apply later?
You may apply at any time during the school year if your household size goes up, income goes down, or if you start getting Food Stamps, TAF or other benefits. If you lose your job, your child may be able to receive reduced-price or free meals.
9. What if I disagree with the school’s decision about my application?
You should talk to a school official. You also may ask for a hearing by calling or writing to:
Paula Murrish, Division Director of Food Services & Purchasing, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 6604, (785) 832-5000.
10. May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen?
You or your child do not have to be a U.S. citizen to qualify your child to receive reduced price or free meals.
11. Who should I include as members of my household?
Include yourself, all children who live with you and all other people living in your household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends).
12. What if my income is not always the same?
List the amount that you normally receive BEFORE deductions. For example, if you normally receive $1,000 each month, but you missed some work last month and only earned $900, list that you earn $1,000 per month. If you are normally paid for overtime, include it.
13. I have been approved for reduced-price or free Child Nutrition Program benefits, why am I still being charged for other school fees like the instructional material fee or textbook rental?
 School fees are not automatically waived.  Before the Food Services Department can share your Child Nutrition Program benefits with the Business Office they need permission from you to do so. The Federal Government (USDA) requires a “Waiver of Confidentiality” be on file each school year granting permission to share Child Nutrition Benefits for other reasons, for the children listed on the form. Once permission is granted, the Business Office can review and grant waivers for applicable fees.

Wordware Family Website Instructions : Lunch Cashier System (LCS1000)

Wordware Family Website Instructions

Registering on the Family Website

Important: You must fully complete registration in one session in order to guarantee that there are no problems with activating your account. If you think you may not be able to complete registration in a given time, please wait until you know you will not be interrupted. The majority of problems with access to the family site are caused by incomplete registrations.

With a web browser, go to

Enter username and password and click on the SIGN IN button

This will bring you to the New Account Registration screen Click on I HAVE A FAMILY KEY

o Click in the FAMILY KEY box

o Enter key numbers



  • Enter your Family ID and PIN
  • This will bring you to the New Account Registration page

Please note: Family IDs, PINs and Family Keys are provided by your school district. If you do not have this information, please contact your school.

  • Click on the drop arrow next to the STATE options box and select the appropriate state
  • Click on the SCHOOL NAME box and enter the appropriate school name
  • Click in the FAMILY ID box and enter the family ID number
  • Click in the FAMILY PIN box and enter the family Pin number
  • Click on the FINISH CONNECTING NEW FAMILY button

At this point, your registration is almost complete; however your account must be activated.

To activate your account, simply open your email account inbox and select the Wordware Inc email titled Wordware District Account Activation Required, then click on the contained link. It is very important that you complete activation before leaving this page.

Logging into Wordware Family Account

  • With a web browser, go to
  • Enter username and password and click on the SIGN IN button
  • This will bring you to the Account Dashboard home screen

Adding Funds to the Account

  • Click on ADD FUNDS button or click on the quick link I NEED TO ADD FUNDS TO MY FAMILY’S ACCOUNT
  • Complete the transaction using your district’s epay provider

Changing User Password

  • Click on the CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD link
  • Enter your current password
  • Create and confirm your new password
  • Click on CHANGE PASSWORD button

Changing User Security Question

  • Click on drop the arrow next the SECURITY QUESTION options box
  • Select desired security question
  • Click in the SECURITY ANSWER box and enter answer
  • Click on the SAVE SECURITY QUESTION button

Changing Contact Preferences

  • Click in the box(es) of desired contact preferences
  • Click on the SAVE CONTACT PREFERENCES button

Connecting to Other Family Accounts

*Please be aware that at this time, you are able to connect to other family accounts. To remove other family accounts, you will need to contact your school lunch administrator.

  • Click on I HAVE A FAMILY KEY

o Click in the FAMILY KEY box

o Enter key numbers




o Click on the drop arrow next to the STATE options box and select the appropriate state

o Click in the SCHOOL NAME box and enter the appropriate school name

o Click in the FAMILY ID box and enter the family ID number

o Click in the FAMILY PIN box and enter the family Pin number


Add Family User

  • Go to the family account where the user will be added
  • Click on the ADD A FAMILY USER link
  • Click in the box behind EMAIL and enter the users email

*The new user will receive an email invitation from WordWareInc. With instructions on completing the process of being added to the account as a user

Pocola School District Provides Free and Reduced Lunch with lunch cashier system

Pocola School is in the process of changing over to a new system called lunch cashier system. This will allow us to notify you by balance in your student account. School Messenger will be a part of our lunch program as well. Until our system is available we want to remind parents of the policy of our lunch program. Students may charge up to -$12 before going on an alternative meal. When students charge up to -$6.00 they will not be allowed to charge extra items, (extra trays, drinks, ice cream), until the balance has been paid. You may still view your child’s account through the grade book system by using the password assigned to your child.

Wordware to Power lunch through PowerSchool – 150 Parkshore Dr Folsom, CA 95630

The Tech Department is currently working on a large project which involves updating all district computers through a 5 step process. The upgrade will allow us to turn off the Light speed antivirus product and to use the Microsoft Forefront antivirus that comes with our licensing for no additional cost. A new lunch program will be set up this summer changing lunch cashier systems from Wordware to Powerlunch through PowerSchool. VMWare management software was purchased to allow us to move virtual servers while they are running so updates can take place.

Bennington Public Schools is pleased to announce a new program called e~Funds For Schools

Dear Parents,  Bennington Public Schools is pleased  to announce a new program  called  e~Funds For Schools  which began February 1, 2008.  This program  allows you to choose  a couple of different payment options for your student’s lunch  account.  You now have the ability to have payments  automatically withdrawn electronically f r om  your  checking account  or  charged to you r cred it card . You also have the flexibility  to pay at any time  using  the link on the school’s website.  There is  a convenience fee f o r using this program .  Parents will be charged a $1.00 fee  each time  a payment is made to their family lunch  account.   Because  we have a Family Lunch system , payments for the entire family can be made through one student.  If you choose the  credit card  payment method, there is a different  convenience fee .   You will b e charged the $1.00 fee plus 1.99% of the total payment.  For example, a  payment of $100 would cost  $102.99 ($100.00 + $1.00 + $1.99).  Please note that a debit  card is treated as a credit card transaction  and will be subject to the  credit ca rd usage fee.

School lunch debt can be staggering for a school district

School lunch debt can be staggering for a school district, and it is more common than you think. Being curious about school district lunchroom debt, I googled related topics and found schools all across the USA that are dealing with lunchroom debt, in states such as Utah, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and more. There was an article in the Minneapolis Tribune about the problems facing Anoka-Hennepin Schools with debt reaching $160,000. More interesting reading were the comments from readers, a total of 387 of them up until that particular day.

The vast majority of comments showed no mercy for people who don’t pay for lunches, suggesting water and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (or less) for those who do not pay.   Surprisingly few wondered about why the school allowed that much debt to build or how the district would improve it. Most were thinking that it was caused by the ‘free or reduced lunch crowd’, which is clearly not the case. There was also little tolerance for public money going to underwrite lunches for families that don’t pay their bills.

This problem of debt has two sides–dealing with the debt itself and taking measures to make sure it does not happen again.   Hiring a professional debt collector is the districts answer for the first half of the problem. But prevention was not adequately addressed in the article. One has to wonder what software is being used for lunch programs that end up with massive debt. Certainly we have great school lunch software that can avoid a build up of debt and efficiently and effectively handle money management. Maybe the money collected to pay the debt should be earmarked for a new software program called Wordware Lunch Cashier System LCS1000 Mayflower (Nutrition Software). Our phones are open call us for demo or reach us-

Wordware, Inc.
2526 Northland Dr
Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Sales Information:

Website Corporate :

Phone:  (800) 955-2649




Elementary School, Junior High School, Public schools students can get their lunch with our partiality in Lunchroom.

Public schools participating in the new lunch program offering Free and reduced meals

To “Do Lunch” means to let go of responsibilities, forget school rules and to socialize extensively for short time. But when you let them stand in separate lines for lunch, poor in different and rich in paid row make system questionable. It is also important that student can find ways for relax and respecting others. Some students behaves well and some behave badly but in the time lunch staff can judge personality of students as there is short time and they have to do their lunch lots of discussion, gossips etc,. A controlling leadership style invites rebellion, resistance, and a lack of self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation and social interest. And to manage time and manpower we have developed a solution which is a result of continuous 25 years hard work.

The largest of the federal nutrition assistance programs, to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). But the stigma remained, as it did for the NSLP—the second largest of these programs—which serves free-and-reduced lunches to more than 31 million students annually.

There were separate lines for paid and free lunch in most of the schools. Many students would rather forgo their midday meals than take the walk of shame in the NSLP line. In one line cash-paying students waited to enjoy a wide selection of à la carte, or “competitive,” foods. In another, low-income, mostly minority students stood single file to receive prepackaged free-or-reduced meals supplied by the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

To get rid from this we designed application so that any student can take lunch from any of the counter by using their ID. Counter supervision will be guided for service to be provided for the students like paid, reduced or Free.

In survey they found that one-third of school districts had separate lines or service areas for NSLP and competitive foods in high schools nationwide.

There were schools using diffent diffent application for their lunch program to offer NSLP and to maintain their records for claim, how so ever we have solved this problem with LCS1000 MayFlower. You can manage free and reduced meals from supervision or admin login.

There are strict rules for standards on the nutritional requirements of NSLP meals in schools and not allow non compliant food. Also schools’ internal accounting is often not kept separate, so we prepared data bridge to share data from one section to other and make Sync between data and accounts. Sync easily moves anything, anywhere – all the benefits of the cloud, none of the limitations, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

We offered solution for integrating the lines by bringing competitive foods into compliance with NSLP nutritional requirements. It was very difficult to distinguish between prepaid cards and NSLP funds when Uniform debit cards was replaced by lunch line. The bookkeeping also changed. Whereas before, NSLP and competitive-food revenues had been lumped together, they would now be tracked independently.

The pilot survey was record breaking more and more school are enrolling for NSLP and school revenue are increasing too. Lunch lines were similarly integrated in all Minnesota middle and high schools during school year. Official say “ this is the most effective and fast implementation we have done.”

Due to latest changes happening in more and more school cafeterias across the country. Cheaper and better technology is allowing the broader use of online money transfer debit system, lunch accounts and fast services. New rules on community eligibility based on a district’s SNAP enrolment are poised to go nationwide in the coming school year, which should make the NSLP available for more students and potentially reduce the stigma.

Based on survey other schools in USA are also implementing Lunch Cashier System more than 100 already working on Wordware’s Lunchroom system.

Lunchroom System, Lunch service feedback, how are we doing?

We use an automated Point Of Sale (POS) lunch system in the Hershey Public School District. Each student has a lunch account and student from same family have a Family Account. This system allows students to “bank” money in their account. Money in this account may only be used for lunch and ala carte items. To access a student’s account, we use Family ID. Free and Reduced student information is automatically in the POS system. A new free/reduced application needs to be submitted every year. All information on an account is confidential. – Hershey Public School District

We invite Parents/students to checkout our services and give feedback so that we can better serve you. We appreciate your insight.