The North Penn Extended School Care Program is now accepting credit card payments using EduTrak software. EduTrak now helps districts put all payments in a single place with account history that parents can easily track.
Upon school registration, students will be issued a student identification number (Student ID). This number links the payment with your student(s) Extended School Care account.
Online credit card payments must be made by the first of the month to be considered on time.
Online credit card payments made after the first of the month will be assessed a $25 late payment fee (due to the processing time). On time payments may be made at the office and program location by check, money order or cash up until the fifth of the month.
Please note:
- EduTrak accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
- First time users must create an account.
- You must know your student ID number for each child to create an account and to pay online.
- Your student ID number is listed at the bottom of your Extended School Care invoice.
- All sixth graders who have paid for a Chromebook have a user account. Please see the information below to retrieve your account logon and password.
If you have an account that was created during Chromebook distribution you can reset your password by clicking below the Sign In button (as shown below) in the Returning Customers box.

Click here to log in: Online Payment Website (login screen) Opening in a new window
For New Customers: Click here for the Online Parent Payment Instructions in PDF format Opening in a new window
Already have an account? Click here for the link to pay online with Edutrak
Online Credit Card Payment Information
North Penn School District
401 E. Hancock Street
Lansdale PA 19446
Phone: 215 368-0400