School Fee collection is a very common challenge for every schools, colleges and other educational institutes. School fee payment experience for parents and guardian is so poor which is a burden for any school. Educational institutes are struggling and wasting a lot in time in collecting & managing fees. If Schools and colleges are collecting and managing payment on paper there will be errors, late payments, slow pace of approvals, and forgotten invoices. Which is make you unorganized and your organization will face economical issues, there will be hurdles in your school operations, which will make staff too stressed. In digital age, we have an opportunity to transform lives of people, make them organized and let them utilize all the technological advantages. With the technological advancements and its implementation benefits in all the sectors, its time for educational institutions to implement software with most secured and most advance EPayTrak for fee management.
Student or parent, everyone is busy with their work, they face the hassles of typical manual fee payment procedure such as taking leaves off their work and standing in long queues for hours. Its time to switch to one of the best School fee payment & School Fee Collection Software that make it easy for students, parents and families to pay for all school fees, activities, services and products online. Also school staff can easily compile and report the collection directly from reports and match the same with statement. You should automate payment system, student fees so you can minimize careless mistakes and maximize your profitability. School can collect multiple payments easily from a single login and can manage multiple campuses fee and payment activities.
EPayTrak Fee Payment Software Advantages:
This fees collection software is specially designed to control the functions and calculations of fees, easy reporting, easy payment, secure payment.. Fee management software will result in accurate data and manages the account of every single student linked with the respective campus. Our fee collection system increases the efficiency of an institute as efficiency is directly proportional to the accuracy of work done in a given extent of time.
Fee Payment software will not only reduce your effort but enhance efficiency of your school or college.
- Fee management software is instinctive and user-friendly
- We have cloud-based system and local server system, so it syncs and notifies parents about transactions made and provide then receipts and reports of the same.
- Online payment facility makes fee more friendly from the website and mobile devices using secure payment gateways to provide students and parents with hassle-free processing
- Fee management software allows you to customize fee structure based on your institutions requirements like different fee heads and concessions.
ePayTrak Provides Every Payment Option to make your Schools Advanced
- You can create custom forms tied to the payment for Athletics and activities
- School fines and fees integrated with many SIS systems
- Complete spirit wear sales and inventory tracking
- Food service and lunch payments
- Reserved seat and GA ticketing with box office and door scanning
- Affordable fundraising
- Recurring billing for school age child care, insurance, trips, and more
- Product templates for parking permits, field trips and more
ePayTrak Features for School Administrators
Here is a partial list of ePayTrak features for school administrators:
- Using Custom online catalog school can create a listing of classes, services and products on the web portal or on app.
- For Recurring billing, School can Schedule and create recurring transactions based on particular data. Charge the same amount for every period or change the recurring amount for a selected period
- There are multiple accounting attributes like Each class, fee, product, or service can be associated with multiple attributes such as account, department or budget code for tracking and reporting functionality of your school or institute.
- School administrators can configurable security levels for a wide variety of security access and control
- Allows you to use your school logo, colors, slogan and much more to create the look and feel that’s right for you, you can Customized look and branding of public site.
- There are multiple Summary reports, which you can get by Select by individual card number, department, account code, User ID, student ID, transaction, or much more
ePayTrak Features for Families and Students
For families and students, ePayTrak provides flexibility and ease of use:
- Individual payment account: Users can set up their own accounts to make payments, pull payment reports, review scheduled transactions, and more!
- Integrated with many SIS systems: including single sign-on with those SIS systems that support it
- Transaction history: Users can easily browse past transactions with a simple click of the mouse
- Browse the school’s offerings: Users can bypass the login process and browse through the site, selecting classes, services, or products to place in their shopping cart. At time of purchase, they will be required to log in, or register for a new account
ePayTrak Features for All Users
Both administrators and family/student users will benefit from the following features such as Customize e-mail templates and receipts, reports and e-confirmations, modify administrative security levels, software has best In class encryption, Easy import/export capability, this could be Directly integrated with many SIS systems.
Our Fee Management System is highly reliable and secure system for students, parents and administrators. Our School fee collection reduces the burden of manual working and resulting in reasonably precise outcomes. Right from maintaining student record, fee calculation, auto-generated receipts, reminders to secured transactions, an online fee management system can prove to be a game-changer for your institute. Educators looking for efficient and cost-effective software, you can opt for EPayTrak .
‘EPayTrak is one of the leading fee management software with the lowest transaction rate that can automate the fee payment and collection procedure and save most of the staff member’s time. We caters most of the schools of Minnesota, Illinois, Texas, California, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York and most of the states of USA.